Mount Wrightson Weather Forecast
- 49
- 63
Becoming Sunny
- 49
- 64
Mostly Sunny
- 45
- 61
Mostly Sunny
- 41
- 56
Mostly Sunny
- 43
- 56
Mostly Sunny
- 45
- 60
Mostly Sunny
Today 26 Mar Dragoon/Mule/Huachuca and Santa Rita Mountains including Bisbee/Canelo Hills/Madera Canyon
Mostly cloudy. Highs 74 to 80.
Tonight 26 Mar Dragoon/Mule/Huachuca and Santa Rita Mountains including Bisbee/Canelo Hills/Madera Canyon
Mostly clear. Lows 48 to 54.
Mount Wrightson Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Nogales, Nogales International Airport (18.6 miles)
Lowest 4 March, 2025
31.7 °FAverage March
55.1 °FHighest 17 March, 2025
86.6 °F
Climate (2020–Present)
Nogales, Nogales International Airport (18.6 miles)
Average Low 2020–2025
49.9 °FAverage 2020–2025
65.7 °FAverage High 2020–2025
81.8 °F