Mokelumne Hill Weather Forecast
- 35
- 48
Rain Showers
- 37
- 46
- 39
- 57
Partly Sunny
- 44
- 62
Rain Showers
- 35
- 53
Rain Showers
- 35
- 58
Mostly Sunny
Today 13 Mar Motherlode
Snow Showers until late afternoon. Rain Showers through the day. A slight chance of Thunderstorms early in the Afternoon, then a chance of Thunderstorms late in the afternoon. Highs 37 to 51. No snow accumulation lower Elevations. Up to 3 Inches higher Elevations. Prevailing south Winds up to 10 Mph.
Tonight 13 Mar Motherlode
Mostly cloudy. A chance of rain Showers, Thunderstorms and snow Showers in the Evening, then a chance of rain and snow Showers after midnight. Lows 28 to 38. No snow accumulation lower Elevations. Up to 1 inch higher Elevations. Prevailing south Winds up to 10 Mph.
Mokelumne Hill Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
COLUMBIA (24.2 miles)
Lowest 7 March, 2025
30.2 °FAverage March
46.5 °FHighest 1 March, 2025
68 °F
Climate (2020–Present)
COLUMBIA (24.2 miles)
Average Low 2020–2025
46.7 °FAverage 2020–2025
59.9 °FAverage High 2020–2025
73.8 °F