Lily Pond Weather Forecast
- 40
- 57
Rain Showers Likely
- 39
- 42
Rain Showers
- 32
- 44
Rain Showers
- 36
- 46
Partly Sunny
- 38
- 40
Rain/Snow Likely
- 36
- 42
Rain Showers Likely
- 37
- 41
Rain Showers Likely
Today 26 Mar Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County
Mostly sunny. A slight chance of Showers and Thunderstorms late in the afternoon. Highs 53 to 68 higher Elevations. 67 to 73 lower Elevations. Prevailing south Winds up to 20 Mph. Gusts up to 30 Mph increasing to 45 Mph in the afternoon.
Tonight 26 Mar Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County
Mostly cloudy. Breezy, Colder. A chance of rain Showers in the evening. A slight chance of rain Showers after midnight. A chance of rain Showers late in the night. Lows 31 to 46 higher Elevations. 45 to 50 lower Elevations. Prevailing south Winds 10 to 25 Mph with Gusts to around 50 Mph.
Lily Pond Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Ukiah Municipal Airport (29.2 miles)
Lowest 9 March, 2025
34.6 °FAverage March
51.9 °FHighest 24 March, 2025
88 °F
Climate (2020–Present)
Ukiah Municipal Airport (29.2 miles)
Average Low 2020–2025
46.9 °FAverage 2020–2025
60.6 °FAverage High 2020–2025
76.2 °F