Kidd Lake Weather Forecast
- 20
- 40
Mostly Sunny
- 21
- 44
Mostly Sunny
- 19
- 43
- 18
- 35
Mostly Sunny
- 21
- 42
Mostly Sunny
- 26
- 45
Mostly Sunny
- 24
- 46
Mostly Sunny
Today 17 Jan West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada
Sunny. Highs 35 to 50 higher Elevations. 47 to 57 lower Elevations. Light Winds.
Tonight 17 Jan West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada
Mostly clear. Colder. Lows 19 to 34 higher Elevations. 31 to 41 lower Elevations. Prevailing northeast Winds up to 10 Mph.