Apple Valley Airport Weather Forecast
- 32
- 60
- 31
- 60
- 32
- 60
Mostly Sunny
- 28
- 57
Mostly Sunny
- 28
- 53
Partly Sunny
- 34
- 60
Mostly Sunny
- 32
- 60
Mostly Sunny
Today 17 Jan Apple and Lucerne Valleys
Sunny. Highs 60 to 65. Areas of Winds west 15 to 20 Mph with Gusts to 35 Mph.
Tonight 17 Jan Apple and Lucerne Valleys
Mostly clear. Lows 27 to 35. Areas of Winds west 10 to 20 Mph. Gusts to 30 Mph. Becoming 25 Mph overnight.