Latham Slough Weather Forecast
- 56
- 75
Increasing Clouds
- 51
- 69
Chance Rain Showers
- 43
- 65
Chance Rain Showers
- 47
- 66
Partly Sunny
- 49
- 62
Chance Rain Showers
- 47
- 66
Slight Chance Rain Showers
Today 26 Mar Carquinez Strait and Delta
Mostly sunny. Except mostly cloudy near the bay. Mostly sunny. Cooler. Highs 66 to 72. Southwest Winds 10 to 15 Mph with Gusts to around 25 Mph.
Tonight 26 Mar Carquinez Strait and Delta
Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of rain Showers. Lows around 55. Southwest Winds 10 to 15 Mph with Gusts to around 25 Mph.
Latham Slough Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Stockton, Stockton Metropolitan Airport (16.8 miles)
Lowest 18 March, 2025
36.6 °FAverage March
52.6 °FHighest 23 March, 2025
73.9 °F
Climate (2020–Present)
Stockton, Stockton Metropolitan Airport (16.8 miles)
Average Low 2020–2025
50.2 °FAverage 2020–2025
63 °FAverage High 2020–2025
77.4 °F