Castle Crags State Park Weather Forecast
- 32
- 54
Increasing Clouds
- 32
- 57
Mostly Sunny
- 32
- 56
- 32
- 53
Mostly Sunny
- 33
- 54
Mostly Sunny
- 38
- 58
Mostly Sunny
- 36
- 61
Mostly Sunny
Today 17 Jan Shasta Lake Area / Northern Shasta County
Widespread frost in the morning. Sunny. Highs 41 to 55 higher Elevations. 53 to 59 lower Elevations. Light Winds.
Tonight 17 Jan Shasta Lake Area / Northern Shasta County
Partly cloudy in the evening then clearing. Lows 24 to 39 higher Elevations. 33 to 42 lower Elevations. Prevailing north Winds up to 10 Mph.