Greenhorn Park Weather Forecast
- 39
- 52
- 31
- 48
Chance Rain/Snow
- 36
- 50
Mostly Cloudy
- 36
- 48
Rain Likely
- 32
- 47
Rain Likely
- 32
- 47
Rain/Snow Likely
Today 27 Mar Central Siskiyou County
Mostly cloudy. Chance of rain and snow Showers in the Morning, then chance of rain in the afternoon. Snow level 4500 feet rising to 5000 feet in the afternoon. No snow accumulation. Highs in the mid 40s to mid 50s. Windy. South Winds 25 to 35 Mph with Gusts to around 50 Mph. Chance of precipitation 60 percent.
Tonight 27 Mar Central Siskiyou County
Rain likely. Snow level 5000 feet lowering to 4500 feet after midnight. Lows around 40. Windy. In the shasta Valley, south Winds 25 to 35 Mph decreasing to 15 to 25 Mph after midnight. Elsewhere, south Winds 20 to 30 Mph decreasing to 10 to 20 Mph well after midnight. Chance of rain 70 percent.
Greenhorn Park Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Montague Siskiyou County Airport (10.6 miles)
Lowest 7 March, 2025
22.7 °FAverage March
43.4 °FHighest 24 March, 2025
75 °F
Climate (2020–Present)
Montague Siskiyou County Airport (10.6 miles)
Average Low 2020–2025
39.8 °FAverage 2020–2025
54.3 °FAverage High 2020–2025
69 °F