Volusia County Weather Forecast
Decreasing Clouds
5882DeltonaDecreasing Clouds
5975EdgewaterDecreasing Clouds
- Abbott Farms
- Acorn Acres
- Acorn Fish Lake
- Adams
- Addison Blockhouse Historic State Park
- Adult Congregate Facility
- Adventura Acres
- Airport Commercial
- Alamana
- Alexander Manor
- Alexandria Pointe
- Allan Park
- Allandale
- Allandale Gardens
- Allenwood
- Allyon Park
- Alma Heights
- Alto Pino
- Amber Village
- Ambrose Hull Grant
- American Land Company
- American Pioneer Corporation
- Americano Beach Lodge Resort
- Angela Lake
- Apollo Beach
- Apostle Heights
- Aqua Golf
- Aqua Vista Circles
- Arawana Est
- Arbor Lane
- Arbor Oaks
- Arbor Ridge
- Arrowhead Village
- Arroyo Oaks
- Ashby
- Ashton Lakes
- Astors
- Atlantic Shores
- Atlantic Villas
- Atwood Lane
- Aurora Heights
- Autumn Trail
- Autumn Woods
- Avondale Park
- Azalea Oak
- Azalea Pointe
- Babcock
- Baggs Oak Hill
- Bakersburg
- Ballough
- Banbury
- Barberville
- Barefoot Park
- Barend Rosa
- Barley Heights
- Bass
- Bayridge
- Bayview Homesites
- Baywood
- Beadle
- Beasleys
- Beau Rivage Shores
- Beauty Spot Orange City
- Bell
- Bella Vista
- Bellair Shores
- Bellevue Memorial Park
- Bellewood Acres
- Belmore
- Ben-neau Park West
- Bennetts Hammock
- Benson Springs Terrace
- Bent Oak
- Bent Oaks
- Bent Tree Park
- Bentwood
- Beresford
- Beresford Park
- Berman Commercial
- Bethel Acres
- Bethune Beach
- Bethune Volusia Beach
- Beverly Hills
- Beverly Park
- Beville Morris
- Beville Professional Plaza
- Beville-oxford
- Bicentennial Park
- Big Cove
- Big Lake
- Big Tree Meadowsorded
- Big Tree Shores
- Big Tree Village
- Bill France Boulevard Business
- Biltmore Heights
- Black Cypress Swamp
- Blake
- Blinn-Bradburys
- Blue Lake
- Blue Lake Hills
- Blue Lake Terrace
- Blue Lake Triangle
- Blue Lake View
- Blue Lantern Amusement Park
- Blue Ridge Flightpark Airport
- Blue Spring State Park
- Blue Springs Court
- Blue Springs Landing
- Blue Springs Park
- Bob Lee Flight Strip
- Bohon Park
- Bon Air
- Bonks Landing
- Bosley
- Botefuhr
- Botefuhr Beach
- Bouchelles Island
- Boulevard Center
- Boulevard Highlands
- Bracketts
- Bradburys Rivermoor
- Bradley Park
- Brae Burn
- Brandons
- Brandy Hills
- Brandywine
- Breakaway Trails
- Breezewood Park
- Breezewood Village
- Brentwood Park
- Briargate
- Briarwood
- Briarwood North
- Briarwood Of Orange City
- Briarwood South
- Brickhouse Cove
- Brickle
- Brinkley
- Broadwater
- Broderick
- Brombin
- Browns Bay
- Brush
- Brush Stewarts
- Bryan Homestead
- Bucks
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista Shores
- Builders Square
- Bulow
- Bulow-Tulow
- Bulow Oaks East
- Bulow Oaks West
- Bungalow Count Colemans
- Bungalow Court
- Burwyn Park
- Business Park
- Butler Groves
- Butners
- Calmar
- Camary Maud Groves
- Cambridge Acres
- Camellia Park
- Cameo Point
- Cameo Point Of Woodmere
- Canal Park
- Cannones
- Canterbury
- Capewell
- Capistrano By The Sea
- Capri Manor
- Captains Quarters
- Caraway Lake
- Carey
- Carlton Place
- Carltons
- Carnell
- Carolyn Terrace
- Carriage Creek
- Carriage Home
- Carrollwood
- Carver Heights
- Carver Park
- Carya
- Cascade Park
- Cascades Park
- Cassadaga
- Cassadaga Camp
- Castlegate
- Cavedo
- Cearra Del Ray
- Cedar Highland
- Cedar Hill Burial Park
- Cedar Point
- Century Woods
- Chaffee Place East Daytona
- Channel View
- Cheekaybee
- Chelsea Lakes
- Chelsford Heights
- Cherokee Park Holly Hill
- Cherokee Ridge
- Cherokee Trails
- Cherrywood
- Chilton Homestead
- Cindy Lane
- Citrus Terrace
- Clark Bay Conservation Area
- Clark Professional Center
- Clarks
- Clifton Park
- Cloisters
- Cloverdale
- Clyde Morris Professional Center
- Colemans Thirty Acres
- Colemans Daytona
- Colin Park
- Colley
- Collier Park
- Colonial Townhouse
- Combs Park
- Combs Parkorded
- Commerce Professional Center
- Condev-Daytona
- Cone
- Coquina Cove
- Coquina Key
- Coquina Point
- Cora Ross
- Coral Trace
- Corbin Park
- Cornerstone Office Park
- Coronado Acres
- Coronado Beach
- Coronado Shores
- Corporate Park Port Orange
- Cotton Shed
- Country Acres
- Country Walk
- Country Woods
- Countryside
- Countryside Commercial
- Countryside Shopping Center
- Countryside West
- Coventry
- Coventry Forest
- Craig Farms
- Cranor
- Creekside
- Crescent Lake Conservation Area
- Crestridge
- Crestwood Manor
- Cross Creek Farms Airport
- Crossings
- Crystal Cove
- Crystal Lake
- Culver
- Curtis
- Cypress Cove
- Cypress Cove At Pelican Bay
- Cypress Head
- Cypress Park
- Cypresshead
- Daisy Lake Camp Sites
- Dakota Park First
- Dakota Park Holly Hill
- Daleys
- Dan George Lake
- Daniel Healthcare Center
- Daniels Port Orange
- Daughertys Todd Grant
- Davis Park
- Daytona Automall
- Daytona Beach
- Daytona Beach Heights
- Daytona Beach International Airport
- Daytona Beach Shores
- Daytona Beach Shores-Sunglow Pier
- Daytona Beach VAOC
- Daytona Beverages Center
- Daytona Highlands
- Daytona Highlands Golf Course
- Daytona International Speedway
- Daytona Oak Ridge
- Daytona Pines
- Daytona State College
- Daytona Surgery Center
- De Land Marine Park
- De Land Southwest
- De Leon Springs
- De Leon Springs State Park
- Deans
- DeBary
- Debary Commercial
- Debary Planatation
- Debary Woods
- Deckmans
- Deens Orange Land
- Deens Orange Park
- Deep Forest Village
- Deer Creek Of Hunters Ridge
- Deer Ridge
- Deerwood
- DeLand
- Deland City Gardens
- Deland Heights Orange City
- Deland Highlands
- Deland Highlands First
- Deland Municipal Airport Sidney H Taylor Field
- Deland Plaza
- Delaware North Pcd
- Deleon Manor Of Glenwood
- Deleon Oaks
- Deleon Springs Heights
- Dellwood Manor
- Delmay
- Deltona
- Deltona Commons
- Deltona Lakes
- Deltona Landings
- Deltona Ranchetts
- Deltona Welcome Center
- Deltona Woods
- Denes Cove
- Dennistons
- Densmore
- Derbyshire
- Derbyshire Acres
- Des Pland
- Destination Daytona
- Dixie Highland
- Dixie Park
- Dixson Acres
- Dodge
- Donlon Cove
- Dorseys Blue Springs Park
- Doty Estate
- Douglas
- Dover
- Downtown LeLands Historic Garden District
- Dresser New Smyrna
- Driggers
- Dukes Blue Lake
- Dupont Grant
- Dupont Lake
- Dupont Lakes Commercial
- Eagle Landing
- Earl Brown Park
- East Wind
- East Wind South
- Eastbrook
- Eckerd at Edgewater
- Edgewater
- Edgewater Acres
- Edgewater Highland
- Edgewater Lakes
- Edgewater Landing
- Edgewater Park
- Edgewater Shores
- Edgewood Heights
- Edmondson
- El Pino Parque
- Eldorado Sportsmen
- Eldridge
- Eleanor Heights
- Elijah Watson
- Ellenwood
- Ellichs
- Elliotts
- Ellis
- Ellison Acres
- Emerald Isle
- Emily Terrace
- Emporia
- Enterprise
- Enterprise Heights
- Enterprise Industrial
- Enterprise Park
- Enterprise Prof Center
- Errol By The Sea
- Euclid Heights
- Euclid Park
- Evans Glencoe
- Executive
- Fairglen
- Fairglen Village
- Fairgreen
- Fairgreen Square
- Fairview
- Fairway
- Fairway Heights
- Fairways At Debary
- Farmton Wildlife Management Area
- Fatio Heights
- Fawn Ridge
- Fearington-Ballards
- Fern Park
- Ferreira
- Fishermans Village
- Fishers
- Fitch Grant
- Fl Paine Homestead
- Fleming Fitch Grant
- Fleming Park
- Flemings Holly Hill
- Floral Park
- Florida East Coast Commercial
- Florida Gun-rib
- Florida Hospital Fish Memorial
- Florida Shores
- Foote
- Foothill Farms
- Fore Estate
- Forest Glen
- Forest Lakes Preserve
- Forest Park
- Forest Park Hills
- Forest Park Ridge
- Forest Quest
- Forest Ridge
- Forest Trace
- Forster
- Foskey Colvin
- Foster Properties
- Fountain City
- Fountain Lake
- Four Seasons At Spruce Creek
- Fourth Volusia
- Fox Hollow
- Fox Run
- Foxboro
- Franklin Heights
- Garden City
- Garden of Devotion
- Garfield
- Garland Industrial Center
- Gatewood
- Georgetowne
- Georgetwn Duplex
- Gerson
- Glen Abbey
- Glen Oaks
- Glencoe
- Glenwood
- Glenwood Deland Farms
- Glenwood Estate
- Glenwood Hammock
- Glenwood Manor Farms
- Glenwood Park
- Glenwood Springs
- Glenwood Village
- Golden Acres
- Golden Bay Colony
- Golden Hills Of Deland
- Golden Triangle
- Golfview Heights
- Goudy
- Goulds
- Grabe
- Graham Park
- Granada West Professional Cent
- Grand Preserve One
- Grande Champion
- Grandview
- Grandview At Saxon
- Grandview New Smyrna
- Grants
- Grants Enterprise
- Granville Circle
- Green Acres
- Greenland
- Greenview
- Greenwich Village
- Greenwood
- Grove Park
- Groveland
- Groveland Heights
- Groves
- Grovewood
- Hacienda Del Sol
- Haleys Place
- Halifax
- Halifax Beach
- Halifax Court
- Halifax Habitat Village
- Halifax Med Center Port Orange
- Halifax River-City Island
- Halifax River-Manatree Island Park
- Halifax River-Ormond Beach
- Halifax River-Pelican Island
- Halifax River-Ponce Inlet
- Halifax River Entrance
- Halifax Riverside Park
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Heights
- Hamlet
- Hammock Gardens
- Hammond
- Hand Venue Centre
- Harbor Oaks
- Harbor Oaks Bay Shore
- Harbor Point
- Harbordale
- Harborside Village
- Harbour Lights
- Harbour Town Village
- Harden Orange City
- Harlan Oaks
- Harris
- Harris In Betts Grant
- Hart in Riverside Park
- Hastys Of Ponce Park
- Haw Creek Preserve State Park
- Hawks Cove
- Hawks Landing At Pelican Bay
- Hawks Park
- Hawks Park Cemetary
- Hazelwood
- Heart Island Conservation Area
- Heather Glen
- Heather Glen At Spruce Creek
- Heritage Forest
- Herrick Townsites
- Hibiscus Park
- Hickory Bluff Preserve
- Hickory Lane
- Hickory Park
- Hicks
- Hidden Lake
- Hidden Pines
- Higbees Daytona
- Highland
- Highland Park
- Highland Park Orange City
- Highland Shores
- Highland Terrace Daytona
- Highlander Airport
- Highpoint Acres
- Highway Heights
- Hill
- Hills
- Hillside
- Hilltop Haven
- Hilltop Manor
- Hilly Pines
- Hires
- Hodgmans Daytona
- Holiday Haven Parcel
- Holiday Hills West
- Holloway Place
- Holly Acres
- Holly Heights
- Holly Hill
- Holly Park
- Home Acres
- Hontoon Island State Park
- Hopkins Fitch Grant
- Howards
- Howes Oak Hill
- Howie Park
- Hunters Run At Lakebridge
- Idlewild
- Idlewild Park
- Idlewild Terrace
- Indian Creek
- Indian Hammock
- Indian Lake
- Indian River Plantation
- Indian Springs
- Indigo
- Indigo Off Park
- Industrial Park
- Inlet Oaks
- Inlet Shores
- Inlet Terrace
- Isles Of Sugar Mill
- Islesboro
- Kalamazoo
- Kennedy Park
- Kepler
- Kepler Acres
- Kerr Townsley Port Orange
- Key Colony
- Keystone Park
- Kindred
- Kings Court
- Kings Crossing
- Kingston
- Kingston Hills
- Kingston Shores
- Kingswood
- Kitchens
- Kittrell Park
- Koesters
- Konomac Lake
- Kost Gove
- Kottle
- Krulder
- Lafayette Landings Airport
- Lago Vista
- Lake Ashby
- Lake Ashby Shores
- Lake Beresford
- Lake Beresford Heights
- Lake Beresford Palms
- Lake Beresford Park
- Lake Beresford Shores
- Lake Beresford Terrace
- Lake Bethel
- Lake Butler Chain
- Lake Butler Shores
- Lake Clifton
- Lake Colby
- Lake Daugharty
- Lake Dexter
- Lake Dias
- Lake Emporia
- Lake Forest
- Lake Fountain
- Lake Fountain Highlands
- Lake George
- Lake George Pines
- Lake George State Forest
- Lake Gleason
- Lake Harney
- Lake Harney Woods
- Lake Helen
- Lake Hires
- Lake Hutchinson
- Lake Mamie
- Lake Molly
- Lake Monroe
- Lake Monroe Conservation Area
- Lake Odom
- Lake Ruby
- Lake Sixma Pines
- Lake Skull
- Lake Talmage Cove
- Lake View
- Lake Winnemisett
- Lake Winona
- Lake Woodruff
- Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge
- Lakeland Heights
- Lakes At Spruce Creek
- Lakes Of Deland
- Lakes Of Pine Run Homesites
- Lakeshore Trails
- Lakeside Park Winnemissett
- Lakeside Professional Center
- Lakeview Terrace
- Lakevue
- Lakewood Park
- Lakewood Terrace
- Land Of Lakes
- Landings At Sugar Mill
- Landings At Summerhaven
- Landis Fish Wetherell
- Lantern Park
- Lantern Park Units
- Laurel Meadows
- Laurel Oaks
- Lawrence Park
- Lazare
- Lears
- Lee Of The Wind
- Leffler Airport
- Leisure World Park
- Lemon Bluff
- Leona Park
- Leonardy Shores
- Lesher
- Lester Clark Est Enterprise
- Lighthouse Cove
- Lighthouse Village
- Lincoln Park
- Linda
- Linda Heights
- Lindberg
- Lionspaw
- Littlefield
- Live Oak Forest
- Livingston Homestead
- Lofts
- Logue Tate
- Lone Oak
- Long Leaf Plantation
- Long Shadows
- Longwood Park
- Loomis Trails
- Los Pinos
- Lost Creek
- Louise Lake
- Lynne Gardens
- Lyonia Preserve
- Lyons
- Lytle Townhouses
- Magnolia Gardens
- Magnolia Grove
- Magnolia Heights
- Magnolia Lakes
- Magnolia Manor
- Magnolia Oak
- Magnolia Shores
- Magnolia Terrace
- Magnolia Woods
- Mahogany Run
- Mainland
- Majestic Oaks
- Mallards Reach
- Mallards Glen
- Mallory Square
- Mamaroneck
- Mangroves At Inlet Shores
- Mariners Cove Park
- Mariners Gate
- Marion Crest
- Maronda
- Marshall
- Marshall Park
- Maryland Heights
- Mason Commerce Center
- Mason Heights
- Massey Ranch Airpark
- Mayo
- Mccarysburg
- McElroys Belleview
- McGarity Lake
- Mcgill
- Mcginnis
- Mcnary
- Mcphail Industrial
- Mctimmons
- Meadow Lake
- Medical Center
- Medney Park
- Melodie Park
- Melrose
- Memorial
- Mercers Hammock
- Midway Park
- Mill Run
- Millards Dahomey
- Miller
- Miller Acres
- Miller Lake
- Millers Acres
- Minaki Heights
- Mission Woods
- Moss Point
- Murray Greene East
- Murray Greene West
- Napier Hull Grant
- National Gardens
- National Gardens Park
- New Glencoe
- New Smyrna Beach
- New Smyrna Beach Municipal Airport
- Norman Park
- Norris
- Norriss
- North Boulevard Heights
- North Boulevard Highlands
- North Causeway
- North De Land
- North Exuma Airport
- North Lake Talmadge
- North Ormond Beach
- North Peninsula State Park
- North Piersonville
- Northbrook
- Northbrook Village
- Northwood
- Oak Brook
- Oak Dale Court
- Oak Grove
- Oak Haven
- Oak High
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill Park
- Oak Lane
- Oak Meadow
- Oak Ridge Park
- Oak Trails West
- Oak Tree Terrace
- Oak Village
- Oakbluff
- Oakdale
- Oakdale New Smyrna
- Oakdale Park
- Oakhurst
- Oakland
- Oakland Park
- Oakwood
- Oakwood Forest
- Oakwood Hills
- Oakwood Manor
- Obyrnes Halifax Shores
- Ocean Grove
- Ocean Trillium South
- Oceanaire Terrance
- Oceans Cloverleaf North
- Oceanside Village
- Odoms
- Old Oak
- Old Sugar Mill Est
- Olive Bluff
- Oliver
- Oliver Terrace
- Orange City
- Orange City Heights
- Orange City Hills
- Orange City Terrace
- Orange City Village Center
- Orange Crest Deland
- Orange Heights
- Orange Hills
- Orange Island Park
- Orangedale
- Orlandia Heights
- Orlando Beach
- Ormond Beach
- Ormond Beach Municipal Airport
- Ormond Beach Plaza
- Ormond Forest Hills
- Ormond Green
- Ormond Heights Ormond
- Ormond Heights Park
- Ormond Highlands
- Ormond Interchange
- Ormond Lakes
- Ormond On The Bay
- Ormond On The Bay West
- Ormond Parkway
- Ormond Shores
- Ormond Terrace
- Ormond Terrace Annex
- Ormond Tomb State Park
- Ormond Towne Square
- Ormond Washington
- Ormond-By-The-Sea
- Ortega Commercial
- Ortona
- Ortona Revised
- Ortona South
- Osprey Cove
- Osteen
- Palm Grove
- Palm View
- Palmers
- Palmetto
- Palms Del Mar
- Paquette
- Parces
- Paris Park
- Park At Countryside
- Park At Indigo Lakes
- Park Plaza of Edgewater
- Parkside
- Parktowne Industrial Center
- Parkview
- Parkview Heights
- Parkway Homesites
- Parrish Manor
- Pelham Square
- Pelican Bay
- Pelican Circle
- Pelican Cove
- Pelican Cove West
- Pelican Dunes
- Pells Hilltop
- Penfield Ormond
- Peninsula Winds
- Pennlantic
- Pepper Hill
- Pheasant Run
- Phillips Acres
- Pickels
- Pickett Grant New Smyrna
- Pierson
- Pierson Municipal Airport
- Pine Bay
- Pine Bluff Trail
- Pine Cluster
- Pine Forest
- Pine Island
- Pine Park
- Pine Sland
- Pine Trace
- Pine Trails
- Pinehurst
- Pineland Heights
- Pinewood
- Pinewood Terrace
- Pinnacle Plaza
- Pitzer Nelsons
- Plantation
- Plantation Acres
- Plantation Bay
- Plantation Island Resort
- Plantation Pines
- Plaza Management
- Pleasant Park Daytona
- Pleasant View
- Plumosa
- Plumosus Park
- Plymouth Heights
- Plymouth Park
- Plymouth Place
- Poinsetta Park
- Ponce de Leon Cut
- Ponce de Leon Inlet North Jetty Light
- Ponce de Leon Inlet South
- Ponce De Leon Park
- Ponce De Leon Springs
- Ponce Deleon Springs Highlands
- Ponce Deleon Springs Terrace
- Ponce Inlet
- Ponce Terrace
- Pons Grant
- Pons Park
- Poppell
- Poppels To Seville
- Port Orange
- Port Orange Gateway Center
- Port Orange Medical Center
- Porters Lake Odum
- Portona
- Promenade
- Promenade Parke
- Prospect Hill
- Putnam
- Putnam Barlow
- Puzzle Lake
- Raintree
- Ramble Wood
- Rambling Oaks
- Ramseys
- Randazzo
- Raulerson
- Ravenwood
- Read Edgewater
- Rebraf
- Redland
- Reed Circle
- Reedy Creek Acres
- Reflections Village
- Regal Village
- Regina Acres
- Remaining Oaks
- Rentz Seville
- Reserve At Debary
- Reserve At Spruce Creek
- Residences At Turnbull Bay
- Reveille Farms
- Richard
- Richmond
- Richs Deland
- Ridgecrest
- Ridgewood Crossing
- Ridgewood Heights
- Rima Ridge Ranchettes
- Ringhaver
- Rio Vista
- Rio Vista Gardens
- Rio Vista Mb
- Rio Vista Victory Gardens
- Ritters Of Florida
- River
- River Breeze
- River Edge Acres
- River Point
- River Ridge
- Riverbend Acres
- Riverbreeze Easements
- Rivercrest Holly Hill
- Riveredge Terrace
- Rivernook
- Riveroaks
- Riverside Landing
- Riverside on the Park
- Riverside Park New Smyrna Revised
- Riverview Highlands
- Riverwood
- Riviera Bella
- Rivocean
- Robert Strickland Park
- Roberta Park
- Rogers Thompson
- Rolling Acres
- Rolling Green Park
- Ronnie Circle
- Roosevelt Park
- Rosalyn Park
- Rose Bay
- Rosella Park
- Rosette Area Of Pablo
- Rosewood Terrace
- Royal
- Royal Dunes
- Royal Dunes North
- Royal Palm
- Rutherfords Mission City
- Rylane
- Saddlebrook
- Saddlers Run
- Samsula-Spruce Creek
- Samuel L Butts Archeological Park
- San Juan Acres
- San Jupiter
- Sanchez Park
- Sanchez Shepard
- Sanctuary On Spruce Creek
- Sandcastle North
- Sandy Lake
- Sandy Pines
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Shores
- Santa Cruz
- Santuary
- Sawgrass Bluff
- Sawgrass Lake
- Sawgrass Point
- Saxon Ridge
- Saxon Trace
- Saxon Woods
- Scarlett
- Schultheis
- Scoggin Lake
- Scott Jones
- Sea Dunes
- Sea Gull Landing
- Sea Havens
- Sea Villas
- Seabreeze Circle
- Seabreeze Shores
- Seabridge
- Seabridge South
- Seaman
- Sears Broadway
- Seawinds
- Second Spring Lakes
- Seminole Farms
- Seminole Ranch Conservation Area
- Seminole Woods
- Seville
- Sewell
- Seymour Pickett Grant
- Shadow Crossings
- Shadow Pines Est
- Shadow Ridge
- Shady Oaks
- Shady Rest Cemetary
- Shangri-la
- Shangri-la Village
- Shaw Lake
- Shealy
- Sheldons
- Sheldons New Smyrna
- Sheppard Sanchez Grants
- Shermans
- Sherris
- Sherwood Oaks
- Shiloh Beach
- Shoemaker
- Shore Acres
- Shoreland Park Rosemont
- Shotwells Jungle Garden
- Sibbald Grant
- Siesta Manor
- Signatures Executive Park
- Silk Oaks
- Silver Ridge
- Silver Ridge Of Deland
- Silver Sands
- Silver Terrace
- Silverstone
- Skeels
- Skipper
- Sky Meadows
- Skylake
- Sleepy Hollow
- Slough
- Smallwood
- Smith Acres
- Smiths Memento
- Smyrna Cove
- Smyrna Dunes
- Smyrna West
- Snodgrass
- So Del
- South Boulevard Gardens
- South Bulow
- South Daytona
- South Daytona Beach
- South Tomoka Wildlife Management Area
- South Waterfront Park
- Southern Oaks
- Southern Pines
- Southern Trace
- Southgate Blake
- Southport
- Southridge Pointe
- Southwinds
- Southwinds Trails
- Spalding
- Spanish Mission Heights
- Spanish Plaza Retail
- Spanish Waters
- Splecies
- Spring Forest
- Spring Garden City
- Spring Garden Heights
- Spring Garden Highlands
- Spring Garden Hills
- Spring Garden Lake
- Spring Glen
- Spring Hollow
- Spring Lakes
- Spring Lakes First
- Spring Meadows
- Spring Valley
- Springleaf
- Springview
- Springwood Square
- Springwood Village
- Spruce Creek
- Spruce Creek Airport
- Spruce Creek Entrance
- Spruce Creek Farms
- Spruce Creek Run
- Spruce Creek Village
- Spruce Creek Woods
- Spruce View
- Spyglass
- Squaretopville
- St Andrews
- St Andrews Highlands
- St John River Acres
- St Johns Gardens
- St Johns River Land
- Standish Shores Bellewood
- Starboard Light
- Sterling Chase
- Sterling Heights
- Sterling Park
- Stetson Gardens
- Stetson Highlands
- Stevens Yates
- Stewart Howarth
- Stone Island
- Storers Enterprise
- Stratford Commons
- Stratford Place
- Stratford Place South
- Strickland Bay
- Strother Calhoun
- Sugar Mill
- Sugar Mill Trails East
- Sugar Mills Gardens
- Sugarmill
- Summer Trees
- Summer Trees South
- Summerfield
- Summerfield Farms
- Summerhaven
- Summit Pines
- Sundunes
- Sunny Shores
- Sunny View
- Sunnyland Park
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyvale
- Sunrise Oaks
- Sunrise Park
- Sunset Hills
- Surrey Run
- Surrey Run First
- Sutherlands
- Swallows East
- Sweat Wright
- Sylan Park
- Sylvan Heights
- Sylvania Place
- Sylvia
- Tailwind
- Tangerine Gardens
- Tanglewood Forest
- Tara
- Tara Trail
- Taylor Woods
- Temko
- Terra Alta
- Terra Mar Village
- Terrace Village
- The Boulevard West Centre
- The Bryan
- The Cascades
- The Cove At Lemon Bluff
- The Crossroads
- The Deland Country Clubs
- The Groves
- The Heritage
- The Inlet At New Smyrna
- The Lexington
- The Magnolias
- The Market Place
- The Meadows Of Sugar Mill
- The Orchard
- The Ormond Green
- The Palms At Cypress Head
- The Park At Indigo Lakes
- The Pines
- The Potato Patch
- The Promenade
- The Settings
- The Swallows
- The Terrace
- The Trails South
- The Trails West
- The Vineyards
- The Woodlands
- The Woods Of Port Orange
- Theresa Lake
- Thornhill Lake
- Threadgill
- Three Sisters Islands
- Tierra Grande
- Tiger Bay State Forest
- Timber Ridge Camp Sites
- Timbercerst
- Timberlane Trails
- Timbers
- Timbers Edge
- Timmons
- Tomoka
- Tomoka Farms
- Tomoka Heights
- Tomoka Landing
- Tomoka Meadows
- Tomoka Oaks
- Tomoka Park
- Tomoka Springs
- Tomoka State Park
- Tomoka View
- Tomoka Wildlife Management Area
- Tomoka Wildlife Management Area Union-Camp Tract
- Tomoka Woods
- Totem Park
- Tower Gardens
- Towering Oaks
- Town Of Blake
- Town Park
- Traders Cove
- Trails South Forty
- Trails West
- Trailwood
- Trailwood Townhouses
- Treasure Oaks
- Treeshore
- Treetop
- Trevaskis
- Tropical Park
- Trudgeons
- Turgot Terrace
- Turnbull Bay
- Turnbull Bay Park
- Turnbull Bay Woods
- Turnbull Hammock Conservation Area
- Turnbull Heights
- Turnbull Plantation
- Turnbull Shores
- Tuscany
- Tuscawilla Highlands
- Tuscawilla Park
- Tuxedo Park
- Twin Lakes At Deltona
- Tymber Creek
- Tymber Creek Plaza
- Tymber Crossings
- Valencia Hill
- Valencia Park
- Valle
- Valpey
- Van Valzah
- Vana
- Venetian Bay
- Venice To Kingston
- Vermont Park Orange City
- Vestal Park
- Victoria Gardens
- Victoria Gardens Recreation Center
- Victoria Lake
- Victoria Park Village Center
- Victoria Place
- Viking
- Village At Indigo Lakes
- Village Of Pine Run
- Vineland Park
- Vineyards
- Vinings
- Violet Wood
- Vista View
- Volco Highlands
- Volusia
- Volusia Executive Park
- Volusia Gardens
- Volusia Highlands
- Volusia Medical Park
- Volusia Park
- Volusia Square
- Walker
- Walker Terrace
- Walkers Holly Hill
- Walmac
- Walstein Estate
- Ward Higbees Trope Grant
- Warmacks
- Washington Park
- Water Front Park
- Waters Edge
- Waterford
- Waterford Lakes
- Waterway Park
- Wedgewood At Spruce Creek
- Wellworth Village
- Werfelman
- West Acres
- West Beresford Park
- West De Land
- West Highlands
- West Lawn
- West New York Park
- West Park
- West Volusia Regional Shopping Center
- West Williamson Commercial Park
- WEstateside Nova Comm Park
- Westgate At Pelican Bay
- Westland Village
- Westminster Wood
- Westport Squard
- Westport Square
- Westwood Heights
- Whispering Creek
- Widmer Circle
- Wilbur-by-the-Sea
- Wilder Howe
- Wildwood Acres
- Williams Industrial
- Williamsburg Square
- Willow Cove
- Willow Run
- Winding Woods
- Windsor Colony
- Windsor Court at Spruce Creek
- Windsor Hill
- Windsor Hills
- Winewood
- Winnemissett
- Winnemissett Park
- Winona City
- Winona Woods
- Winter Woods
- Wood Forest
- Woodbound Lakes
- Woodcrest
- Woodgate
- Woodlake
- Woodland
- Woodland Acres
- Woodland Center
- Woodland Park
- Woodlands At Glen Abbey
- Woodlands At Sugarmill One
- Woodmere
- Woodmere South
- Woodmont Heights
- Woodrick
- Woods
- Woods at Southridge
- Woods Of Lake Helen
- Woodside At Spruce Creek
- Worthy Hubbards
- Wright