Kikaua Point Weather Forecast
- 71
- 85
Mostly Cloudy
- 71
- 87
Mostly Cloudy
- 71
- 87
Mostly Cloudy
- 70
- 86
Mostly Cloudy
- 71
- 87
Mostly Cloudy
- 71
- 86
Rain Showers
- 71
- 86
Rain Showers
Today 30 Mar Kohala
Partly sunny. Haze through the day. Isolated Showers in the afternoon. Highs 81 to 86 near the shore to 62 to 70 above 4000 feet. West Winds up to 10 Mph. Chance of rain 20 percent.
Tonight 30 Mar Kohala
Mostly cloudy in the evening then becoming partly cloudy. Isolated Showers. Haze. Lows around 71 near the shore to 49 to 54 above 4000 feet. Light Winds. Chance of rain 20 percent.
Kikaua Point Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Kailua / Kona, Keahole Airport (6.2 miles)
Lowest 8 March, 2025
67.6 °FAverage March
77.9 °FHighest 1 March, 2025
85.6 °F
Climate (2020–Present)
Kailua / Kona, Keahole Airport (6.2 miles)
Average Low 2020–2025
73.3 °FAverage 2020–2025
79 °FAverage High 2020–2025
84.6 °F