Custer County Weather Forecast
Snow Likely
1928Shelly MountainChance Snow
3053ChallisChance Rain
1943Redfish LakeRain/Snow
- Bachelor Mountain
- Baker Lake
- Baptie Lake
- Bayhorse
- Bayhorse Lake
- Bear Creek Lake
- Bellas Lakes
- Bench Lake
- Betty Lake
- Big Lake
- Blue Lake
- Bonanza
- Borah Peak
- Brockie Lake
- Buster Lake
- Cape Horn Lakes
- Carlson Lake
- Casino Lakes
- Castle Lake
- Challis
- Challis Airport
- Challis Creek Lakes
- Champion Lakes
- Cirque Lake
- Clayton
- Clear Lake
- Collie Lake
- Copper Basin Airport
- Corkscrew Mountain
- Cove Lake
- Crater Lake
- Crimson Lake
- Hanson Lakes
- Headwall Lake
- Heart Lake
- Hell Roaring Lake
- Helldiver Lake
- Herd Lake
- Hindman Lake
- Hoodoo Lake
- Horseshoe Lake
- Hourglass Lake
- Hummock Lake
- Lake Kathryn
- Land of the Yankee Fork State Park National Forest Historic Area
- Lindas Roost Airport
- Little Bayhorse Lake
- Little Redfish Lake
- Lodgepole Lake
- Lone Pine Peak
- Lonesome Lake
- Long Lake
- Lost River
- Lower Stanley
- Mackay
- Mackay Airport
- Mackay Reservoir
- MacKay Tourist Park
- McDonald Lake
- Merriam Lake
- Moose Lake
- Mosquito Flat Reservoir
- Mystery Lake
- Saddleback Lakes
- Salmon-Challis National Forest
- Sapphire Lake
- Sawtooth Lake
- Scoop Lake
- Seafoam Lake
- Shadow Lakes
- Sheep Lake
- Sheep Mountain
- Shelly Mountain
- Silva Ranch Airport
- Slide Lake
- Sliderock Lake
- Smiley Mountain
- Snow Lake
- Soldier Lakes
- Spruce Gulch Lake
- Stanley
- Stanley Airport
- Stanley Lake
- Star S Ranch
- Sullivan Lake
- Summit Reservoir
- Sunbeam
- Swimm Lake