Alsea Falls Recreational Site Weather Forecast
- 42
- 54
- 38
- 49
- 37
- 53
Rain Showers Likely
- 40
- 53
- 36
- 47
- 37
- 50
- 38
- 51
Rain Likely
Today 27 Mar Central Oregon Coast Range
A chance of rain Showers this Morning, then rain Showers this afternoon. Highs in the lower 50s. South wind 10 to 15 Mph with Gusts up to 35 Mph, except south wind 20 to 25 Mph with Gusts up to 45 Mph for exposed Ridges. Chance of rain near 100 percent. Rainfall Amounts a quarter of an inch to one inch.
Tonight 27 Mar Central Oregon Coast Range
Rain, breezy with Lows in the lower 40s. Southwest wind 10 to 15 Mph, except southwest wind 20 to 25 Mph for exposed Ridges. Gusts up to 40 Mph. For exposed Ridges, Gusts up to 55 Mph, decreasing to 45 Mph after midnight. Chance of rain near 100 percent. Rainfall Amounts a half of an inch to one inch.
Alsea Falls Recreational Site Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Corvallis, Corvallis Municipal Airport (15.5 miles)
Lowest 7 March, 2025
30 °FAverage March
46.8 °FHighest 25 March, 2025
75.9 °F
Climate (2020–Present)
Corvallis, Corvallis Municipal Airport (15.5 miles)
Average Low 2020–2025
43.3 °FAverage 2020–2025
52.9 °FAverage High 2020–2025
63.7 °F