Albemarle County Weather Forecast
Rain Showers
3661CrozetRain Showers
3662CommonwealthRain Showers
- Abington Place
- Advance Mills
- Advance Mills Estate
- Advance Mills Farms
- Advance Mills Village
- Airport Acres
- Airport Center
- Albemarle Lake
- Alberene
- Alumni Lake
- Applegate Farm
- Arbor Park
- Ardwood
- Ashcroft
- Ashleigh
- Ashmere
- Auburn Hills
- Avon Park
- Ballard Ridge
- Ballard Woods
- Balmoral Heights
- Bargamin Park
- Barracks
- Barracksdale
- Barrett Acres
- Barrsden Hills
- Barterbrook
- Batesville
- Batesville Insert
- Beau Mont Farm
- Beaver Creek
- Beaver Creek Reservoir
- Beaver Creek Reservoir Park
- Beckoning Ridge
- Bedford Hills
- Beech Hill
- Bellair
- Bending Branch
- Bending Oaks
- Bennington Woods
- Bentivar
- Berkmar
- Berkmar Center
- Berkmar Crossing
- Birnam Wood
- Biscuit Run
- Bishop Hill
- Blandemar Farm
- Blandemar Farm Pond
- Blenheim Ridge
- Blenwood
- Blue Hills
- Blue Ridge Acres
- Blue Ridge Forest
- Blue Ridge Meadow
- Blue Springs Farm
- Boiling Spring
- Boonesville
- Boston Creek
- Boyd Tavern
- Braemont
- Branchlands
- Branchlands Retire Village
- Briarwood
- Briery Creek Village
- Brightlands
- Brinnington
- Brooklayne
- Brooksville Manor
- Brookwood
- Brownsville
- Brownsville Heights
- Browntown
- Buck Falls Farm
- Buck Mountain
- Buckingham
- Bundoran Airport
- Bungletown
- Burnley
- Burruss Branch
- Calf Mountain
- Camelot
- Camp Faith Lake
- Camp Spring
- Campbell
- Candlewyck
- Canterbury Hills
- Carrsbrook
- Cash Corner
- Castle Rock Mountain
- Castleberry Court
- Cathro Airport
- Cedar Creek
- Cedar Hills
- Cedar Ridge
- Chapel Hills
- Charlottesville Albemarle Airport
- Chesterfield
- Chestnut Grove
- Chestnut Ridge
- Chimney Rock
- Chisholm Lake Number One
- Chris Greene Lake
- Chris Greene Lake Park
- Church Hill
- Church Hill West
- Cismont
- Claudius Crozet Park
- Claymont
- Clearview
- Clearview Knolls
- Clearview Meadows
- Clover Farm
- Clover Hills
- Clover Lake
- Clover Lawn Village
- Cobham
- Cold Spring Hollow
- Colston
- Colthurst Farm
- Commonwealth
- Connors Ridge
- Copperfield
- Cory Farms
- Cottonwood Farm Airport
- Country Oaks
- Country Side
- Country View
- Coventry
- Covesville
- Covey Hill
- Creekmill
- Crozet
- Crozet Crossing
- Damon
- Darden Towe Park
- Davis Shop
- Deep Acres
- Deer Ridge
- Deer Run
- Deerwood
- Doves Nest
- Doylesville
- Dudley Mount Lodges
- Dunlora
- Eagle Mountain
- Earlysville
- Earlysville Heights
- Earlysville Meadows
- Eastham
- Ednam
- Ednam Village
- Elkins Acres
- Emerald Forest
- Emerald Ridge
- Esmont
- Fairgrove
- Fall Field
- Falling Meadows Farm
- Fan Mountain Estate
- Far Hills
- Farmington
- Fieldbrook
- Fitzwood
- Flordon
- Fontana
- Forest Glen
- Forest Lakes
- Forest Lakes South
- Forest Lakes Townhouses
- Forest Lodge
- Forest Ridge
- Four Seasons
- Four Winds Farm
- Fowler
- Fox Hill
- Foxchase
- Foxcroft
- Foxwood
- Franklin
- Fray s Grant
- Fray Division
- Frays Mill
- Free Union
- Garden Gate Farm
- Garth Gate
- Garthfield
- Georgetown Court
- Georgetown Green
- Gilbert Heights
- Glenaire
- Glenmore
- Glenorchy
- Graemont
- Grahams Pond
- Grassmere Farm
- Grayrock
- Grayrock North
- Grayrock Orchard
- Green Mountain
- Greenbrier Heights
- Greencroft
- Greentree
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Village
- H H Tiffany
- Hardware River Farms
- Harmony
- Hatton
- Hatton Grange
- Headquarters
- Heards
- Henleys Lake
- Hessian Hills
- Hickory Ridge
- Hidden Forest
- Hidden Hills
- Highlands
- Hind Sight
- Hollymead
- Hollymead Townhouses
- Howardsville
- Huckles Pond
- Hunters Hall
- Huntington Village
- Huntwood
- Indian Hills
- Indian Springs
- Inglecress
- Ingleside
- Island Creek
- Ivy
- Ivy Brook
- Ivy Creek
- Ivy Creek Park
- Ivy Farm
- Ivy Fields
- Ivy Meadows
- Ivy Oaks
- Ivy Ridge
- Ivy View
- Ivy Vista
- Ivy Woods
- Lake Acres
- Lake Albemarle
- Lake Hills
- Lake Reynovia
- Lake Saponi
- Lakeside
- Lakewood Lodge
- Lambert Point
- Lanford Hills
- Langdon Woods
- Langford Farms
- Laurel Hills
- Le Beau Sol
- Lewis Hill
- Lewis Hill RPN
- Lewis Hill West
- Lexington
- Liberty
- Liberty Hills
- Lickinghole Creek
- Lindsay
- Little Clover Hills
- Lochridge
- Locust Hill
- Locust Hill North
- Loftlands
- Loftlands Glen
- Loftlands Wood
- Logan Village
- Logans Run
- Long Meadow
- Longacre Farm
- Lowell Pines
- Luxor Terrace
- Lyman Hills
- Lyon Woods
- Magnolia Farms
- Magruder
- Mallard Lake
- Maple Ridge
- Marshall
- Marshall Manor
- Masseys Woods
- McCullough
- McLane Ridge
- McMurdo
- Meadowfield
- Mechum Banks
- Mechums West
- Mechunk Acres
- Megans Meadows
- Meriwether Hill
- Meriwether Lane
- Middlebranch Farms
- Midway
- Milburn
- Mill Creek
- Mill Creek Village
- Mill Ridge
- Mill Run
- Miller Division
- Millington
- Milton
- Milton Heights
- Milton Hills
- Minor Townhouses
- Miran Forest
- Mission Home
- Montgomery Ridge
- Montvue
- Moores Creek
- Mosby Mountain
- Mount Eagle
- Mountain Harvest Farms
- Mountain Hollow
- Mountain Valley
- Mountain View
- Mountain Vista
- Mountfair
- Murphys Creek Farm
- Murray
- Oak Forest
- Oak Grove
- Oak Hill
- Oak Terrace
- Old Ballard Farm
- Old Trail
- Olympic Lake
- Orchard Acres
- Overton
- Owensfield
- Owensville
- Paines Lake
- Park View
- Parkside Village
- Peacock Hill
- Pen Park
- Pheasant Lane
- Pine Run
- Pineridge
- Poplar Glen
- Poplar Ridge
- Porters
- Porters Village
- Proffit
- Proffit Ridge
- Ragged Mountain Farm
- Raintree
- Rea
- Reas Ford Village
- Red Bud
- Red Hill
- Red Hill Meadows
- Red Hill Orchard Lake
- Redfields
- Retriever Run
- Reveille
- Reynard Woods
- Ridgefield
- Ridgemont
- Ridgetop
- Ridgeway
- Ridgewood
- Riggory Ridge
- Rio
- Rio Heights
- Rio Square
- Rivancrest
- Rivanna
- Rivanna Reservoir
- Rivanna Ridge
- Rivanwood
- Riveridge
- Rivermont
- Riverrun
- Rivers Edge
- Rivers End
- Rock Branch Acres
- Rock Castle Creek
- Rockbrook
- Rosemont
- Roslyn Heights
- Roslyn Ridge
- Royal Acres
- Rugby
- Running Deer
- Rustling Oaks
- Saddle Hollow Farm
- Saddlewood Farms
- Sandy Branch Resort Farm
- Scottsville
- Scottsville Recreation Center
- Shadwell
- Shadwell Mountain
- Sherwood Farms
- Sherwood Manor
- Signal Hill
- Simeon
- Skyline Crest
- Snow Hill Airport
- Solaris
- South Briarwood Farm
- South Fork Farms
- South Fork Rivanna River Reservoir
- South Ivy
- Southern Hills
- Sportsman Lake
- Spring Hill
- Spring Hills
- Spring Valley
- Springfield
- Springwood
- Squirrel Ridge
- St George Acres
- Starfield
- Still Meadow
- Stillfield
- Stillhouse Ridge
- Stonefield
- Stonehenge
- Stonewood
- Stony Point Hills
- Stump Town
- Sunrise Acres
- Sunrise Farm
- Sycamore
- Sycamore Fork
- Tanager Woods
- Tanglewood
- Tattershall Farm
- Taylors Mountain
- Templeton Acres
- Terrell
- Terrybrook
- The Cascades
- The Farms at Turkey Run
- The Hogwaller
- The Homestead
- The Oaks
- The Pines
- The Quarries
- The Rocks
- The Village Square
- Thurston
- Tillmans
- Totier Creek Reservoir
- Totier Creek Reservoir Park
- Totier Hills
- Townwood
- Turkey Run
- Turner Mount Wood
- Turner Mount Wood II
- Wakefield
- Walnut Creek Park
- Walnut Hills
- Walnut Mountain
- Warren
- Watts
- Waverly
- Wavertree Hall Farm
- Wayland Park
- Waylands Grant
- Wendy Moor
- West Leigh
- West Woods
- Western Ridge
- Westhall
- Westmont
- Westmoreland
- Weston
- Westover Hills
- Westridge
- Westview
- Whippoorwill Hollow
- Whispering Pines
- Whistlefield Farm
- White Hall
- White Oaks
- Whittington
- Wildwood
- Wilhait
- Willoughby
- Willow Heights
- Willow Lake
- Wind River
- Windover Ridge
- Windrift
- Wingate Farm
- Wolf Lots
- Wood Crest
- Woodbrook
- Woodburn Ridge
- Woodcreek
- Woodridge
- Woodridge Farms
- Woodridge Park
- Woodsedge
- Woolen Mills
- Wynden Oaks
- Wyngate