Whatcom County Weather Forecast
Increasing Clouds
2642ClearbrookIncreasing Clouds
1735NewhalemMostly Sunny
2036Mount Baker Ski AreaIncreasing Clouds
- Bacon Peak
- Bagley Lakes
- Baker Lake
- Bellingham
- Bellingham Bay-Bellingham
- Bellingham CBD
- Bellingham International Airport
- Berdeen Lake
- Berthusen Memorial Park
- Birch Bay
- Birch Bay State Park
- Birchwood
- Blaine
- Blaine Municipal Airport
- Bloedel Donovan Park
- Brennan Pond
- Bullard Lake
- Cain Lake
- California Creek
- Canyon Lake
- Cedar Lake
- Cherry Point
- Chuckanut
- Chuckanut Bay
- Chuckanut Island
- Clearbrook
- Columbia
- Cornwall Park
- Cottonwood Beach
- Custer
- Fairhaven
- Fairhaven Dog Park
- Fairhaven Park
- Ferndale
- Fishermans Cove
- Floathaven Airstrip
- Floathaven SPB
- Fountain Lake
- Fragrance Lake
- Freezeout Lake
- Hanging Lake
- Happy Valley
- Hayes Lake
- Historic Downtown Ferndale
- Horse Fly Airport
- Hovander Homestead Park
- Hozomeen Lake
- Hozomeen Mountain
- Lake Fazon
- Lake Louise
- Lake Padden
- Lake Padden Park
- Lake Samish
- Lake Terrell
- Lake Terrell State Game Refuge
- Lake Whatcom
- Larrabee State Park
- Laurel
- Lettered Streets
- Lincoln Park
- Lost Lake
- Lummi Bay-Sandy Point
- Lummi Island
- Lummi Island-Bumstead Spit
- Lummi Island-Carter Point
- Lummi Island-Echo Point
- Lummi Island-Inati Bay
- Lummi Island-Legoe Bay
- Lummi Island-Lummi Point
- Lummi Island-Lummi Rocks
- Lummi Island-Point Migley
- Lummi Island-Reil Harbor
- Lummi Island-Smugglers Cove
- Lummi Island-Sunrise Cove
- Lummi Island-Village Point
- Lummi Island-Viti Rocks
- Lummi Peak
- Luna Peak
- Lynden
- Lynden Airport
- Lynden City Park
- Maiden Lake
- Maple Falls
- Marietta
- Marietta-Alderwood
- Meadow Mist Airport
- Meridian
- Mirror Lake
- Monfort Park
- Mosquito Lake
- Mount Baker
- Mount Baker Bellingham
- Mount Baker Ski Area
- Mount Blum
- Mount Prophet
- Mount Sefrit
- Mount Triumph
- Mud Lake
- Peaceful Valley
- Pine Lake
- Pleasant Valley
- Point Francis
- Point Roberts
- Point Roberts Airpark
- Point Whitehorn
- Port of Bellingham Marine Park
- Post Point
- Price Lake
- Puget
- Salish Sea-Ferndale
- Samish Hill
- Samish Park
- Saxon
- Sehome
- Shuksan Lake
- Silver Beach
- Silver Lake Park
- Skallman Park
- Skymo Lake
- Sourdough Lake
- South Bellingham
- South Hill
- Sprague Lake
- Squalicum Creek Park
- Squalicum Lake
- Strandell
- Sudden Valley
- Sulphide Lake
- Sumas
- Sumas Mountain
- Sunnyland
- Ted Edwards Park
- Tennant Lake
- Tennant Lake Park
- The Portage
- Thornton Lakes
- Thunder Arm
- Thunder Lake
- Toad Lake
- Tomyhoi Lake
- Tongue Point
- Twin Lakes
- Watson Lakes
- Welcome
- West Beach
- West Wind Airport
- Whatcom Falls Neighborhood
- Whatcom Falls Park
- Wildcat Cove
- Willow Lake
- Wiser Lake
- Woodstock Farm
- York