Kern County Weather Forecast
Mostly Sunny
5382RidgecrestMostly Sunny
4874DelanoMostly Sunny
- Actis
- Aera Park
- Aerial Acres
- Alameda
- Albany Park
- Algoso
- Almond Grove Park
- Alta Sierra
- Alta Sierra Ski Resort
- Amberton
- Annette
- Ansel
- Armistead
- Artisan
- Arvin
- Audubon Kern River Preserve
- Avalon
- Baker
- Baker Street
- Bakersfield
- Bakersfield Municipal Airport
- Bakersfield Sports Village
- Balsitis Park
- Barker Park
- Beach Park
- Bealville
- Bear Mountain Park
- Bear Valley Park
- Bear Valley Springs
- Belle Terrace Park
- Belridge Strip
- Belsera
- Benton Park
- Bissell
- Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge
- Blackwell Land Company Inc Airport
- Blackwells Corner
- Bodfish
- Borax Airport
- Borax Bill Park
- Boron
- Boron Park
- Bradys
- Branch Memorial Park
- Breckenridge Mountain
- Brighton
- Brimhall Classics
- Brite Valley Aquatic Recreation Area
- Buena Vista Aquatic Recreational Area
- Buena Vista Park
- Burton Mill
- Buttonwillow
- Buttonwillow Recreation Park
- Cable
- Calders Corner
- Calico
- Caliente
- California City
- California City Municipal Airport
- Cameron
- Campus Park
- Canebrake
- Cantil
- Capitola Park
- Casa Loma
- Casa Loma County Park
- Cashen Airport
- Castac Lake
- Castle Ranch
- Cawelo
- Central Park Lake
- China Lake
- China Lake Acres
- Choctaw Valley
- Cinco
- City in the Hills
- City in the Hills Park
- Civic Center Park
- Claraville
- College Heights
- College Park
- Conner
- Cottonwood
- Country Rose
- Creekside Airport
- Crystal Ranch
- Delano
- Delano Municipal Airport
- Derby Acres
- Desert Lake
- Di Giorgio
- Di Giorgio Ranch Landing Strip
- Do Giorgio County Park
- Downtown Bakersfield
- Dr Martin Lurther King Junior Park
- Dustin Acres
- E Park
- Eagle Ranch
- East Bakersfield
- Edison
- Edmundson Acres
- Edwards
- Edwards Air Force Auxiliary North Base
- Edwards Air Force Base
- Elk Hills-Buttonwillow Airport
- Elmo
- Emerald Cove Park
- Fairway Oaks
- Famoso
- Fellows
- Fellows Park
- Fig Orchard
- Five Points
- Fleta
- Flying S Ranch Airport
- Ford City
- Fort Tejon State Historic Park
- Fox Run
- Frazier Park
- Fruitvale
- Fruitvale Norris Park
- Fuller Acres
- Galileo Park
- Garlock
- Gilbreath Bros Duck Club Airport
- Glennville
- Golden Hills
- Goler Heights
- Gosford
- Grapevine
- Greenacres
- Greenfield
- Grissom Park
- Gulf
- Haggin Oaks
- Haggin Oaks Park
- Halfway House
- Hampton Woods
- Harper Peak
- Hart Park Lake
- Havilah
- Hazelton
- Heritage Park
- Hidden Oak
- Highland Knolls
- Hillcrest
- Hollis
- Homaker Park
- Ilmon
- Indian Wells
- Inyokern
- Inyokern Airport
- Inyokern County Park
- Isabella Auxiliary Dam
- Isabella Highlands
- Isabella Lake
- Isabella Main Dam
- Kalibo Park
- Kayandee
- Kecks Corner
- Keene
- Kelso Valley Airport
- Kern City
- Kern County Fairgrounds
- Kern Lake
- Kern Lake Preserve
- Kern National Wildlife Refuge
- Kern River County Park
- Kern River Upland Park
- Kern Valley Airport
- Kernell
- Kernville
- Kernville Park Recreation Area
- Keyesville
- Kilowatt
- Kirchenmann Park
- Kissack Bay
- Kissack Cove
- Kovacevich Park
- Lackey Place
- Lake Isabella
- Lake Ming
- Lake of the Woods
- Lake Truxtun
- Lake Woollomes
- Lamont
- Landco
- Laurel Glen
- Lebec
- Legacy
- Liberty
- Liberty Park
- Lloyds Landing Airport
- Lokern
- Lonsmith
- Loraine
- Lost Hills
- Lost Hills-Kern County Airport
- Madison Grove
- Madison Grove Park
- Majors Airport
- Maltha
- Mannel Park
- Marcel
- Maricopa
- McFarland
- McFarland Park
- McKittrick
- Meadow View
- Meadowbrook Park
- Meadows Field
- Meridian
- Mettler
- Midoil
- Millux
- Miracle Hot Springs
- Missouri Triangle
- Mojave
- Mojave Airport
- Mojave West Park
- Mondavi
- Monolith
- Moreland Mill
- Morning Star
- Mountain Meadows
- Mountain Mesa
- Mountain Mesa Park
- Mountain Valley Airport
- Myricks Corner
- Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake Armitage Field
- Neufeld
- North Belridge
- North Country Meadows
- North Edwards
- North Rosedale Park
- Oakridge
- Oil Junction
- Old River
- Olde Stockdale
- Olidale
- Olive Park East
- Olive Park West
- Onizuka Park
- Onyx
- Owens Peak
- Palmo
- Panama
- Panorama
- Panorama Heights
- Paradise Cove
- Paradise Lakes Airport
- Paramount Farms Airport
- Park Stockdale
- Patriots Park
- Pentland
- Pettit Place
- Pheasant Run
- Pine Oak Park
- Pioneer County Park
- Piute Peak
- Polo Grounds
- Pond
- Pontious Airport
- Poso-Kern County Airport
- Prospero
- PSK Ranch Airport
- Pumpkin Center
- Rancho Seco
- Randsburg
- Red Rock Canyon State Park
- Reefer City
- Reward
- Rexland Acres
- Rexland Acres Park
- Ribier
- Ricardo
- Rich
- Richland Park
- Ridgecrest
- Ridgecrest Heights
- Rio Bravo
- River Front Park
- River Oaks
- Riverkern
- Riverlake
- Riverlakes
- Riverview Park
- Robinson Bay
- Rocky Point Bay
- Rodriguez Park
- Rosamond
- Rosamond Park
- Rosamond Skypark Airport
- Rosedale
- Saco
- Sageland
- Sagepointe
- Saltdale
- Sam Lynn Ball Park
- San Emidio
- San Lauren
- San Lauren Park
- San Trope
- Sanborn
- Sand Canyon
- Saunders Park
- Sawmill Mountain
- Scodie Mountains HP
- Searles
- Seguro
- Semitropic
- Seven Oaks
- Shafter
- Shafter-Minter Field
- Shirley Meadows
- Siemon Park
- Silt
- Silver Creek
- Silver Oak Park
- Skyotee Ranch Airport
- Slater
- Smith Corner
- Smothermon Park
- South Fork Wildlife Area
- South Lake
- South San Lauren
- South Taft
- Southern Oaks
- Southgate
- Spellacy
- Spice Tract
- Spicer City
- Squirrel Mountain Valley
- Stallion Springs
- Standard Park
- Stevens
- Stine Cove
- Stockdale Ranch
- Stockdale West
- Stone Creek
- Stone Meadows
- Stonegate
- Summit
- Sunday Peak
- Taft
- Taft Heights
- Taft-Kern County Airport
- Tehachapi
- Tehachapi City Park
- Tehachapi Mountain Park
- Tehachapi Municipal Airport
- Tejon Ag Airport
- Terra Vista
- Tevis Ranch
- The Oaks
- The Seasons
- Tomo-Kahni
- Tule Elk Reserve State Park
- Tupman
- Tuscany
- Twin Lakes
- Twin Oaks