Hazelton Weather Forecast
- 40
- 64
- 39
- 59
Mostly Sunny
- 39
- 60
Mostly Sunny
- 39
- 60
Mostly Sunny
- 38
- 61
Partly Sunny
- 42
- 60
Mostly Sunny
- 42
- 67
Mostly Sunny
Today 17 Jan Frazier Mountain Communities
Sunny. Highs 48 to 58. Southwest Winds 5 to 10 Mph shifting to the north in the afternoon. Gusts up to 35 Mph.
Tonight 17 Jan Frazier Mountain Communities
Clear. Lows 31 to 41. South Winds up to 10 Mph. Gusts up to 35 Mph decreasing to 25 Mph after midnight.